AI transformers like ChatGPT are here, so what next?

AI writing programmes such as ChatGPT have sent tremors across the higher education sector. Will artificial intelligence free up cognitive space for deeper thinking? Or does its potential for cheating and shortcuts signal the end of critical thinking and academic integrity? This resource collection offers insight into the technology’s potential impact and advice on how educators can use it in work around assessments, academic writing, teaching and lesson planning as well as student support and research. ChatGPT itself even offers suggestions on how to use it in the classroom.

Students discussing prompt writing in class

Teach students to use GenAI to create characters for stories

Over time, students will learn to perfect their prompts and work side by side with AI to enhance their creativity, write Gloria Anahí Molina Barrón and Pamela Inés Marroquin Alanis

Gloria Anahí Molina Barrón , Pamela Inés Marroquin Alanis

Monterrey Institute of Technology