Managing Stakeholders

How to have challenging conversations built on a partnership of respect and trust with parents, teachers and students

Working with students

Student holds up mini blackboard, with the word "No!" on it

‘What do I do if an academically bright student doesn’t want to go to university?’

Some students are not interested in higher education, even if they are academically talented. How can we respect their decisions, while also giving them all the options?

Working with colleagues and SLT

Two people, pushing giant puzzle pieces together

My student has hired an independent counsellor. Now what?

The use of independent counsellors can make a school-based counsellor’s role more challenging – but it doesn’t necessarily have to

Working with parents and families

Hand holding up gold medal

Are parents demanding a well-known university? Here's what to tell them

Families often look for a strong brand name and high place in university rankings when selecting a university – even if that's not what their child needs

Collaborating with universities

Globe, showing various famous world landmarks

How to plan student visits to university campuses

With nearly 30,000 universities around the world, it can be difficult for students to know which ones to apply to – which is why visiting some of them can be helpful

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