More investment in extracurricular activities will pay off for universities Opportunities that enhance employability and the student experience will boost both enrolments and donations, says Robert Phillips Robert Phillips 2月 24日
Supporting student entrepreneurship could also boost lecture attendance Self-employment teaches valuable skills and offers more flexibility to fit work around academic and domestic demands, says Robert Phillips Robert Phillips 5月 13日
我们不要放弃来之不易的数字教学专长 罗伯特·菲利普斯(Robert Phillips)说,有身心障碍的、弱势的、内向的以及国际学生可能都喜欢目前的线上学习方式 Robert Phillips 6月 3日
Student start-up culture has hit new heights in pandemic Unsung efforts to help out in the community have also showcased outstanding student entrepreneurialism that must be further encouraged, says Robert Phillips Robert Phillips 8月 20日
Social entrepreneurship gives students skills and something to believe in More student-let social enterprises are a financially sound way to fight social injustices where charities might fall short, argues Robert Phillips Robert Phillips 8月 10日